Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What is it?

Hmmm...what to choose what to choose...Chemistry or Physics? Well it's definitely not Biology!

Tonight's homework is to do the following:

Present 3 examples of real life situations that would fall under Chemistry. Then present 3 examples of real life situations that would fall under Physics. Each example should be accompanied by a detailed explanation as to why you believe it should be categorized as Chemistry and not Physics, and vice versa.

Use the lists in your Foldable to help you with ideas.

For example, let's say I fall off of a ladder while painting my house. I look at the Foldable and see that gravity falls under Physics. So me falling down is a matter of Physics.  But if I accidentally burn my house down, then I would look at my Foldable and see that fire and chemical reactions are matters of Chemistry, so I would classify the burning of my house as Chemistry. Argh! Now I have no house and a big bruise on my head!

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