Thursday, May 6, 2010

Let's Energize!!!

Today we defined 7 kinds of energy:

mechanical energy can be considered either kinetic (moving object) or potential (stored energy based on position). The image above shows objects exhibiting kinetic and potential energy.

all of the energy from the random motion of the particles that make up an object

the energy that holds atoms together in a molecule or compound

the energy of moving electrons

the energy caused by an object's vibrations

the energy produced by the vibrations of electrically charged particles

the energy that holds protons and neutrons together

Tonight's homework is to provide an example of each kind of energy discussed and present evidence for including it in one category or another. Here are two examples:

Ex 1: I would say that a car driving down Broadway is showing kinetic energy because it is in motion.
Ex 2: A stereo playing music is a form of sound energy, because the sound comes from the vibration of the speakers.

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