Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who wants s'more lessons on states of matter?

Hey 7th graders! I checked out the screening of your animation film on Friday and I must say it was AWESOMENESS!!! Great job guys!

This weekend's homework is to describe how a marshmallow goes through phase changes as you make s'mores. What's a s'more you ask? Well, a s'more is a traditional campfire treat popular in the United States, consisting of a roasted marshmallow and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker. The name "s'more" means "some more" as in "give me some more!"

So the questions posed to you are: Which phases will the marshmallow go through as you roast it over the fire? Will it ever become a gas? Was it ever a solid? Describe in detail what you believe is happening to the particles inside the marshmallow as heat is being added to it. (should be about 1/2 page).

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