Monday, January 4, 2010

Don't let X-Mas break, break our concentration!

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry for such a late post but I wasn't able to get the computers at school to work so I had to wait until I got home...and I only now arrived in casa. Anyway, tonight's homework was a 2 for 1 deal.

Assignment # 1: copy the new vocab list into your binders (no not a xerox copy!)

Assignment # 2: show your parents this website and have them sign off that they have seen it. This way all SOF 7th graders can make sure they are up to date with their science assignments whether they have been absent or lost their planners or whatever the case may be. We have to stay on top of things so our desks don't end up looking like Young Bill's (see photo above).

If you did not get the handout you can download the pdf here.

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