Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter Break!

She's back! Young Bill's mom is denouncing Kool Aid once again! And once again you have some homework to complete. The assignments due Monday Feb. 22nd are the following:

Assignment #1 - Lab Report The lab report guidelines are detailed in a pdf file located here. You can download it and use it to help you with your lab report. It tells you what your report needs to include and also gives a few suggestions (like concepts or terms you may want to define).

Assignment #2 - Scientific Photo You are responsible for recreating the above photo of Young Bill's mother giving a 'thumbs-down' to Kool Aid. Of course, you don't have to choose Kool Aid. You can give a thumbs-down to one of Naje's quizzes, or to the San Diego Chargers, or whatever you think deserves a thumbs-down. Remember that this is a scientific study which means observation is key. So the more details you can recreate the better. If you can take the photo in front of a window, great. Or if you can wear a shirt similar to the one Young Bill's mom has on, even better. If you can find a pair of those glasses that would be absolutely awesome. Do your best and have fun with it.

If you have any questions regarding either of these two assignments, feel free to email me.  Enjoy the rest of the break!

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